We had a wonderful time on the Ave Maria. The weather was sunny everyday. Helmut said I was the Weather Angel! Our friends loved the staff and we taught them how to do YMCA on the last night. We all dressed as pirates and had a great party. Again the food was fabulous.

It really helped with the organizing that Mike and I had done the trip before we took the group. Do you have any opportunities for us to do that again in 2016? We are thinking of leading another bike trip in 2017 with the group.

We would like to know if Helmut leads any other rides. Would he be willing to be our guide on another Girolibero trip? We are thinking of Sicily, The Land of Lemons and Oranges. Since we are going to ski this year in Cortina on March 5-12 would there be a fam trip to Silicy near that date?

Thanks for all your wonderful advice and help. You were the best tour agent I ever worked with. You were so quick to answer all my emails and very efficient in the bookkeeping.